When we teaching
we should know how the characteristic
our student. Young children hear is the student that study in elementary school
6 or 7 year old to eleventh or twelve year old. Young learners they have their
own characteristic that different with adult or older people. Even very young
children have predisposition to learn in certain domains and that young
children are actively engaged in making sense of their world. Children lack knowledge
and experience, but not reasoning ability. Their knowledge may jump- start the
learning process, but because of limited experience under developed systems of
logical thinking. Children’s knowledge contains. Base on Halliwel (1992: 3-5)
1. Children
are already very good in interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding
the individual world. It mean when they study second language they just
guessing. By guessing they understand what their teacher said.
2. Children
already have great’s skill in using limited language creativity. They will
never thing when they want say some think, and they will have their way to use
language even they have limited vocabulary
but they never have limited language creativity.
3. Children
frequently learn indirectly rather than directly.
4. Children
take a good pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do. It seems they
more lake playing than studying. They will make what they do is more
interesting depend what they want.
5. Children
have a ready imagination, children words are full of imagination and fantasy,
and it is more than simply matter of enjoyment. Young learners have many
From all the caracteristic of young learners we can dive it into three
sides. First is characteristic from physical side. It means we learn about the
young learners physic, their habit and their nature. Second is from social. It
means how that children do their social to other, to their environment and how
they will respond the material that given by the teacher. For the last is psychology
side. In this part we know how the sychology of children when
they do all their activity.
This is the careacteristic from psychology side.
They have short
concentration span.
It mean children more easily unable
to concentrate. When they will found a new thing that they fill more
interesting they will amagetly change their consentration from one thing to
another ting.
They are free of
The young learners they will
never get the negative thingking from the older. When they have prejudice to
their friend or person that more older they will never ting it seriously.
Get bored easily
Children will be more excaited when they study use in
different ways. Because when they study or or doing same activity they will
easily get bored, they like the new someting.
Like Imitating.
is the characteristic of young learners divide by the age
The Seven-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child
better muscular control.
They more interest in to play games
and they have skill like hobbies and activities. Get restless and fidgety. Has
nervous habits, and sometimes assumes awkward positions. Is full of energy, but
they tires easily.
eager to learn. Thinks seriously and more logically. Is able to solve problems
that are more complex. Likes to be challenged, work hard, and take time
completing a task. Has a good attention span. Enjoys hobbies and using skills.
Likes to collect things and talk about personal projects and accomplishments.
plays in groups, but sometimes likes to be alone and play quietly. Interacts
little with the opposite sex. Is eager to be like peers and have their
approval. Is less domineering and less determined to have his or her own way.
Likes more responsibility and independence. Is often worried about not doing
criticism. Is more sensitive to his or her own feelings and those of other
people. Is often a perfectionist, and tends to be self-critical. Is inhibited
and cautious. Is less impulsive and self-centered than at earlier stages.
aware of right and wrong.
Suggestions for
Parents and Teachers
Use activities that allow the child
to use his or her energy. Be patient with annoyances and restlessness, and do
not draw attention to awkwardness. Use varied techniques to help maintain the
child’s interest and prevent misbehavior. Compliment good behavior.
Ask thought-provoking
questions. Use open-ended stories, riddles, thinking games, and discussions to
stimulate thinking. Allow the child to make decisions. Give him or her plenty
of time to accomplish tasks. Encourage the child to pursue hobbies and
interests. Provide opportunities to read wordstrips and stories. Use stories
and situations that deal with reality rather than fiction.
Use activities that
require group play, such as games and dramatizations, but respect the child’s
desire to work alone occasionally. Do not force interaction with the opposite
sex. Praise him or her for positive behavior such as taking turns and sharing.
Give the child responsibilities and tasks that he or she can carry out, and
then praise efforts and accomplishments.
Encourage concern for others. Build
confidence. Instead of criticizing, look for opportunities to show approval and
affection. Accept moods and aloofness. Encourage the child to express his or
her feelings.
The Eight-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child
Is becoming more
coordinated. Wiggles and squirms. Has nervous habits. Plays organized games
that require physical skill. Has a good attention span. Wants to be included.
Wants to know the
reasons for things. Is anxious to share his or her knowledge. Thinks he or she
knows much, but is beginning to recognize that others may know even more. Is
judgmental. Has heroes. Enjoys writing, reading, and pretending.
Enjoys group play with
simple rules. Prefers to be with own gender in group play. Is more cooperative
and less insistent on having his or her own way. Wants to have a best friend.
Has a strong need for independence, but also relies on adults for guidance and
Is usually affectionate, helpful, cheerful,
outgoing, and curious, but can also be rude, selfish, bossy, and demanding. Is
sensitive to criticism. Criticizes self and others. Is sometimes giggly and
silly. Experiences guilt and shame.
Suggestions for Parents and Teachers
Use activities that
require coordination and allow the child to use his or her energy. Be patient
with clumsiness, unpleasant habits, and squirming. Alternate quiet and active
periods. Praise good behavior.
Use games, stories,
pictures, and problem-solving activities to encourage learning. Use reading,
writing, and role playing. Encourage the child to be more concerned about his
or her own behavior than that of others.
Provide opportunities
for group interaction, cooperation, and sharing. Supervise activities closely.
Praise the child for positive behavior.
Show interest and enthusiasm. Praise and
build self-confidence; do not criticize or compare the child with other
children. Recognize the child’s efforts and accomplishments. Let the child
enjoy humor when appropriate, and be patient with giggling.
The Nine-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child
Enjoys team games. Has
good body control. Is interested in developing strength, skill, and speed.
Likes more complicated crafts and handwork.
Is able to remain
interested in subjects or activities for a longer period of time. Seeks facts;
does not enjoy much fantasy. Likes memorization. Has definite interests and
curiosity. Likes reading, writing, and keeping records. Is interested in the
community and other cultures and peoples. Enjoys learning about the past and
the present. Likes to collect things.
Enjoys being with
groups of people of the same gender. Likes group adventures and cooperative
play, but also likes competition. Tests authority and exercises independence.
Spends much time with friends.
Has some behavior problems, especially if he
or she is not accepted by others. Is becoming very independent, dependable, and
trustworthy. Is concerned about being fair, and argues over fairness. Is better
able to accept his or her own failures and mistakes and take responsibility for
personal actions. Is sometimes silly.
Is well aware of right and wrong. Wants to do
right, but sometimes rebels.
Suggestions for Parents and Teachers
Provide a variety of
activities, including team games, to sustain interest and help the child
develop skills.
Give specific
information and facts rather than fantasy. Do not give all the answers; allow
the child time to think about and discuss answers. Encourage him or her to
memorize quotations and scriptures. Respect individual differences when making
assignments and giving responsibilities. Provide opportunities for reading,
writing, and record keeping. Teach about other people and cultures and about
Recognize the child’s need for peer
acceptance. Establish and maintain reasonable limits, but allow for
The Ten- or Eleven-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child
May be experiencing rapid growth. Enjoys
sports that require strength, speed, and skill. Has periods of playing,
pushing, wrestling, poking, and giggling. Is restless, active, and impatient.
May differ from peers in physical size and coordination. Does not like to be
treated like a child. Is concerned about physical appearance.
Enjoys abstract
concepts and ideas. Makes conclusions based on prior learning. Likes to be
challenged in mental tasks. Is decisive and reasonable. Enjoys memorization.
Likes to set goals. Thinks more logically. Enjoys learning. Has a good
attention span. Understands more precisely the meanings of words, and can
define abstract terms. Has humor that may seem ridiculous to adults.
Is social and
competitive. Possesses strong loyalty to groups. Has much positive and negative
interaction with peers. Has friendships that are more complex and intense.
Relies on best friends. Values peers’ opinions and standards more highly than
those of adults. Is sometimes critical of adults’ judgments and of others’
feelings. Likes to tease or play roughly. Is sometimes rude and uncooperative,
and at other times is friendly and cooperative.
Is critical of self
and resentful of others’ criticism. May feel that everything he or she does is
wrong, especially if criticized. Has worries and fears about school and
friends. Is very sensitive, especially about self. Has doubts and insecurities.
Is sometimes touchy and irritable, and is very conscious of being treated
fairly. Is able to be polite, serious, honest, and sincere. Desires to be
independent and have responsibilities.
Has a strong moral sense and conscience. Is
interested in self-improvement. Does not like to admit when he or she has
behaved badly. Is ready to learn more about the doctrines of the gospel.
Suggestions for Parents and Teachers
Recognize that he or
she is growing and maturing. Do not force interaction with the opposite sex.
Provide opportunities for him or her to participate in physical activities that
provide outlets for his or her energy. Give little attention to minor misbehavior.
Teach fairness and the value of participating in activities. Show interest in
his or her life. Value individual differences.
Stimulate thinking by
using questions, stories, memorization, problem-solving activities, and
discussions. Allow him or her to make decisions and set goals. Use new words,
and allow him or her to define and explain their meanings. Use visuals,
stories, and games.
Respond to the need to
belong to groups and be influenced by them. Provide activities that allow
interaction with peers. Encourage group planning and group work. Teach him or
her to be sensitive to those who are not accepted by others. Give
responsibilities and assignments, and help ensure follow-through. Use examples
and lessons to teach sensitivity and kindness. Praise courtesy, unselfishness,
loyalty, and friendliness.
Do not compare him or her to others.
Encourage him or her, and praise accomplishments. Show confidence in him or her
as an individual. Reinforce positive behavior, and try to ignore negative acts
of small consequence. Allow for independence and expression of personal
feelings. Try to understand his or her worries and what makes him or her
from Teaching: No Greater Call, Salt Lake
City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1999.
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