Orientation: it means to introduce the participants or the characters of the story with the time and place set. Orientation actually exists in every text type though it has different term. In this story, the first paragraph is clearly seen to introduce the participants of the Cinderella Story. They were Cinderella her self as the main character of the story, her step mother which treated Cinderella badly, and her steps sister which supported her mother to make Cinderella was treated very badly. Cinderella was introduced as a hero in this story. She struggled against the bad treatment from her step mother and sisters.
Complication: it is such the crisis of the story. If there is not the crisis, the story is not a narrative text. In a long story, the complication appears in several situations. It means that some time there is more then one complication. In this Cinderella story, we can see clearly that there are Major
Complication and Minor Complication. The second paragraph is the major complication of this Cinderella story. Cinderella got bad treatment from her stepmother. It is the bad crisis which drives into several minor complications which Cinderella has to overcome.
Resolution: it is the final series of the events which happen in the story. The resolution can be good or bad. The point is that it has been accomplished by the characters. Like complication, there are
Major Resolution and Minor Resolution. In the last paragraph, it is said that finally Cinderella lived happily. It is the happy resolution of the bad treatment.

Narrative text, since it told a story, is dominantly constructed in past tenses. It is logic because every story happened in the past time, happened before it is talking as a story. The past tenses can be simple past, past continuous tense, and past perfect tense. These three tenses of the past will dominate talking in a narrative text. Further, due to exploration of the participants of the story, dialog among participant seem to be written in direct speeches. Why it is constructed in mostly direct speech is to lead the readers feel, think, and have any experience by them selves through the real dialog of the participant.


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