A.    Preschool education, kindergarten early childhood education or kindergarten is mainly to prepare for the school.  Should pay most attention to the course for a successful social, metrical, emotional and intellectual development.  Should serve to improve the integration of children and allow that (linguistic) problems of children are identified earlier.  Can be visited at the age of three to six years, the preschool year is a voluntary; it is for children who are too old for the kindergarten but not yet ready for school.
B.     Elementary school may be visited as part of the compulsory education of every child over the age of six (31 August) and comprises four grades.  Corresponds to the German primary school.  The alternative home-schooling is rarely invoked. Four culture techniques: reading, writing, arithmetic, and the search and processing of information.  . Usually divided into four classes. Smaller schools usually put children from different grade levels in one class, so a teacher can teach in a classroom at the same time several grade levels.    A combination with integration classes is not unusual.  Preferably, there is the Einlehrersystem . This means that one teacher teaches all subjects. (except Religion)    In schools with a high proportion of foreigners there are often native speakers and substitute teachers. (Special German teachers for immigrants or. BFD teacher’s   teachers for the children’s mother tongue). Muttersprachlehrer 
C.      Special School Attendance at a special school can be the entire period of compulsory schooling through.   A tenth and eleventh grade can be appended at the end of compulsory education. Are used for integration and support of children with particular special educational needs, whether due to physical disabilities or mental or physical handicaps. Depending on the type of problem every child is taught according to different curricula and assessment the class sizes are small the personal attention and teacher support for individual students can be especially large
D.    Lower secondary education level Divided in Main school (Hauptschule) Cooperative Middle School and New Middle School (Neue Mittelschule) Lower level AHS (Unterstufe) Austria is one of the few Western European countries that have a differentiated lower secondary school system (from eleven to fifteen).  After completing the elementary school they are attending AHS usually a lower level (high school) or the main school.  The choice of the type of school should be completed according to the previous school grades and talents   the social status of the family plays no matter!  The students are  different then in  elementary taught by a qualified teacher system  school where they are taught by one teacher in almost all subjects, The courses at these schools last for four years. With the exception of private schools secondary school is free.  They only have to pay the semester fee of 21,50Euro! + bus ticket
E.     Main School (Hauptschule) a basic general education and provides the foundation for middle and high schools will be placed For admission to a secondary school only a positive conclusion of the fourth grade is necessary. principle is based on the enrollment in primary school until Christmas in the subjects German, English and mathematics to be classified in one of three ability groups , The first performance group is taught by the same curriculum as in the general upper-secondary schools. This means a change between the main school (1st ability group) and the lower level of AHS is possible at any time. Basically the students are following the completion of main school next to the Polytechnic School. (The 9 th year in school).
F.      Cooperative Middle School and New Middle School (KMS, NMS) is taught in the curriculum on the basis of the primary school and secondary school.  Both, compulsory school teachers and federal teachers (secondary school teacher) are used new middle schools are usually housed in buildings of primary schools.  primary school system run by and by
G.    Lower level AHS (Unterstufe) to attend a lower level school you need to have a “good” or “very good” in primary school in mathematics and German Otherwise you have to make an aptitude test! Lower level schools are always in the same building like High schools
H.     Further opportunities AHS BHS Polytechnical and vocational school(Berufsschule) Trade school
I.       So first: Kindergarten Preschool Elementary school Lower level school /secondary school/cooperative middle school Or special school!   Then there are different ways AHS BHS Polytechnical and vocational school Trade school.


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